The solution for a mined world

Krohn Mechanical Mine Clearance System


The KMMCS is the first and only functioning Mechanical Mine Clearance System in the world.

The KMMCS is capable of destroying all mines on almost any terrain.

Only one of our machines clears about 30.000 mē of land per day completely free of mines and explosive ordnance.

This is 10.000 times more effective than hand-demining.

We have cleared all terrain to 100%.

With no loss of life or injury.

Not one single functioning mine or dangerous explosive ordnance has ever been found on land after we have cleared it.

It can easily manage a gradient of up to 40 degrees.

Strong natural plant cover like bushes or even trees or solidly frozen soil are no obstacle.


The KMMCS is the
safest, and
mine clearance system in the world.

Watch our machine at work: